[水木燕园沙龙 第六期] 创业人,中国创!


Sat November 22, 2014, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Marvin Center Room 405 at George Washington University, Washington DC
800 21st St NW, Washington, DC 20052

沙龙报名/RSVP Link

嘉宾介绍/Speaker Info
李创(Louis Li),环亚支付(PacificPay)创始人及首席执行官。80后职业经理人,擅长领域为新兴互联网公司筹集资金、业务扩张及扭亏为盈。曾在嘀嘀打车担任战略总监及在中国首家创新移动支付公司-盒子支付(iBoxPay)出任首席营运官。先后出任GROUPON中国区运营总监及香港区运营总裁,成为GROUPON全球最年轻的高层。2011年应邀出席在首尔举行的哈佛亚洲及国际关系论坛(HPAIR)担任特邀演讲嘉宾。 2014年上半年,他担任哈佛大学主办的“哈佛中国论坛”及“纽约中国论坛”纽约站及北京站主讲嘉宾,分享中国创业与融资环境近况。他将于9月份起在《福布斯》担任专栏作家,针对中国的科技界持续点评。同时他会以创业投资板块讲师的身份,出席10月份由哥伦比亚大学举办的中国展望论坛。 效率、行动力、诚信,是他最重视的核心管理法则。

Louis Li, a post 1985 millennial who represents the rising entrepreneurial class in China, is the founder and CEO of Pacific Founder. The company, established in 2014, consults to SOEs, publicly-traded companies and internet companies at critical conjectures on strategy, human resource and financing matters.

In 2013, Louis became the COO of iBoxPay, a mobile payment company for which he successfully raised ten million dollars in Round B financing. iBoxPay entered Red Herring Asian Top 100 Winners in 2013, and made Louis the youngest Asian awardee in decade. Louis weaved strategies for big-shot clients in the league of Breadtrip and Didi Taxi. The former is a travel experience sharing APP that won the most recommendations in Apple store. Louis connected online and offline traveler’s communities by conducting M&A and building out new media platforms. The result? 20 million users. Didi Taxi started as a Chinese Uber and quickly grew to be the most popular taxi APP and most used lifestyle APP. Louis coordinated the development team, by connecting with WeChat Pay and winning favorable policy, the daily order increased from 80,000 to 2 million. Formerly, Louis was the youngest senior executive for Groupon when he was appointed the Head of Operations Hong Kong and later Director of Operations for Greater China.

Louis is a frequent speaker on high-tech and start-up panels:
· Columbia China Prospects Conference, New York, Oct 2014, on entrepreneurship in China;
· New York China Forum, New York and Beijing, June 2014, on development of high-tech industry and investment opportunity for start-up;
· Harvard China Forum, Boston, April 2014, on tech innovation and entrepreneurship;
· Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR), Seoul, August 2011, on how to break into the Asian market and business leadership in an evolving economy.







更新时间:2014-11-23 15:50

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