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Intern Paid position for Forte International

发布者: chenfengchao | 发布时间: 2014-7-24 17:22| 查看数: 962| 评论数: 0|帖子模式



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Forte International located in Falls Church, VA is pleased to announce an internshipopportunity, available immediately.  One aspectof Forte’s business operation is to provide professional training and businessvisitation to Chinese government and business delegations.  Forte International has been working with federal,state and local government agencies, non-government organizations (NGO) as wellas universities throughout the country to fulfil its professional and executivetraining programs. Forte is also a designated J1 sponsor in the StateDepartment Culture Exchange Program.

The internship position can last up to a one year employment.The intern will work 40-hours a week and it is a paid position. Compensationwill be discussed during an in-person interview.

Interested candidates, please submit your resume, coverletter, as well as two references, to Michael at michaelc@forteexchange.org.


1) Conduct research on specific subjects proposed by clients and identifyissues to be included in the training programs;
2) Draft program agenda and develop training program topics;
3) Coordinate with Forte’s Shanghai office to monitor project progress;
4) Conduct research to answer questions raised by Forte Shanghai office orclients;
5) Contact U.S. organizations and speakers to confirm meeting arrangement andlectures;
6) Update U.S. itinerary for clients on a timely manner;
7) Conduct office tasks such as copying, printing and materials organizing;
8) Provide support to coworkers;
9) Serve as an interpreter for clients if needed;
10) Other tasks assigned by supervisor.

Recent graduate of a master-level program in public administration,international affairs, business, political science, law, humanities or socialsciences or related areas. Ability to perform diverse and complex tasks withaccuracy and attention to detail; Ability to exercise independent judgment;Ability to conduct independent research on specific topic; Ability to establishand maintain effective working relationships; Ability to work successfully in aproduction-oriented environment; Must have excellent written and oralcommunication skills for English and Chinese; Must have basic knowledge on U.S.and China political system, government structure and the way the governmentoperates; Must be able to use Microsoft Office, including Word, PowerPoint,Excel and Outlook.


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